
  • As you said, this concept is not so easy to understand.

    The difficulty is to see the conflict formation in its general context, which is not only inner (emotional), but it has also an outer aspect […]

    • Do you mind explaining to me what this internal dimension of conflicts mean in real life? For example in Syria where people are dying right now?

      • Dear Osiris, an internal dimension of conflict could be the ATTITUDE of a person of reacting in a violent manner.
        For example, in front of the same situation, people act in different ways and this is due to different internal attitude (for different reasons, too long to explore here). In Syria people are fighting for some rights..some are dying in this fight, some probably do not want to be involved in battles, government is on one side, people on the other…but the question they can work for finding common points, common needs, common visions? Or one MUST prevail on the other? For changing realities you should work in the external situation, but also in our internal attitude of reacting destroying the other side, the “enemy”. But the enemy is the person or the structure?I think that we should change violent structures, and in my opinion violence calls other violence. We should be prepared to fight violence not people. Conflict is different to violence. Conflict can produce change, violence is a way to solve conflicts, probably the most famous, but not necessary the most useful. I am not saying that people in Syria have to be passive. We need a more comprehensive and holistic approach to conflict. For this reason, internal and external dimension: be ready to change violent approaches.
        But..Osiris..this is my opinion..please let me know your ideas..
        I think (from your words) that you are a concrete person, and you need concrete solutions..I really do not know nothing else more concrete than a creative, empathic, nonviolent approach to conflict (transcend method)..but for your questions, I am sure that my colleagues will answer you better!!


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