Shyam Bandhu Subedi

  • Dear Reader,

    meet the lovely Joanna Santa Barbara (TRANSCEND member) from New Zealand who presents her project site. She lives in a village that is managed with the principles of Permaculture and has successfully done so for many years.

    In this 2-part interview, you will get to know:
    -the current ecological situation in New Zealand, the…[Read more]

  • You may want to forward to the 21:22 minute mark to get to the point, though the entire conversation with Chamath Palihapitiya is worth a listen.

    Get to know the 3 basic goals and motives of North Korea: What do they really want?
    How can a peaceful nuclear disarmament take place?
    What is the role of the US in the North Korean conflict and how […]

  • This is an orginal interview with Jan “Kipper” Fischer, a Permaculture Practitioner from Berlin who is very active in subsaharan Africa. He is the founder of SONED (Southern Networks for Environment and […]

  • Dear Reader,

    today there is another interview we did. This time with a representative of a German NGO called SONED (Southern Networks for Environment and Development):
    Jan “Kipper” Fischer is a Permaculture-Practitioner who has over 20 years experience of development work in Africa.

    Jan Kipper Fischer

    He presents what is already taken place in Africa and Ghana…[Read more]

  • In our recent interview with Prof. Johan Galtung (founder of the academic discipline of Peace Studies and this year’s laureate of the People’s Peace Prize), it becomes clear, that though there are […]


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