
  • OSIRIS posted an update in the group Group logo of Understanding the Arab RevoltsUnderstanding the Arab Revolts 12 years, 3 months ago

    So what are you trying to say? That NATO put the wrong guys in power? I think that this is just like Afghanistan 1994 all over again, with the difference, that this time, they will support the mudjahedeen until they have a government and a secure political system. The difference is that they will not abandon them again. This will be a perfect proxy government in my opinion. What do you think? We’ve had this in Africa before with Mobutu and in Iran with Rehza Pahlewi and we have this in Saudi Wahhabistan right now. The people in the U.S do have experience with a radical muslim ally. It’s not like the foreign office in the US doesn’t know how to mke business with wahhabis. And as far as I understand, the libyan LIGH is not as powerful and expansionist as the wahhabis in their motherland. So… yes. NATO put islamists in power but so what? It is infront of europe anyway and these brotherhood cliques are more socially distributive than the “secular” governments under say Saddam and Ghaddafi – I am not too sure what to think about ghaddafi since he bsaw to it that Libya rise up to rank 53 of the world human development index – which could help “stabilize” the hungry masses for some time…

    In any case, the West has to find a wy to deal with Sharia. Since they have bombed the libyan sharia faction into power.


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